I am very happy lately because my grandmother is here staying with me for Syawal. Its been a while. Normally my mother and kakak would prepare breakfast, lunch and dinner but today my mother went out with my sisters and my aunt.So at-last I am in charge of the kitchen and I can cook hehe :D Last night, I read a magazine that inspires me to cook this dish :) I did not follow the recipe exactly because I think the recipe given uses too much santan(coconut milk) and it will make the gravy really thick. So I just use the equation of 1/2 cup of santan with 1/2 cup of water :)
Okay so let's get started with the recipe shall we ? :)
Blended ingredients:/bahan untuk dikisar:
3 shallots of red onion (medium size) / 3 ulas bawang merah (size sederhana)
5 garlic / 5 ulas bawang putih
1 stalk of lemon-grass / 1 batang serai
1 inch turmeric / 1 inci kunyit hidup
1 inch ginger / 1 inchi halia muda
1 inch galangal / 1 inchi lengkuas
1 red bird's eye chilli / 1 batang cili padi merah
Other ingredients/bahan-bahan lain:
5-10 prawns (medium size) / 5-10 ekor udang (size sederhana)
1 cup of sliced pineapple / 1 cawan nenas (kalau masam lagi bagus atleast tak perlu tambah asam gelugor)
1 jalapeño pepper / 1 batang cili hijau
1-2 teaspoon of turmeric powder / 1-2 sudu teh serbuk kunyit
1/2 cup coconut milk / 1/2 cawan santan
1/2 cup water / 1/2 cawan air
Salt, sugar (I used brown sugar) and white pepper to taste / garam, gula dan serbuk lada putih
1. In a pot, pour the coconut milk and all the blended ingredients. Stir and leave it to boil.
1. Masukkan santan dan bahan kisar dalam periuk dan gaul sehingga mendidih.
2. Once it boils add in the prawns, water and turmeric powder.
2. Setelah mendidih masukkan udang, air dan serbuk kunyit.
3. Stir well then add in the pineapple and jalapeño pepper.
3. Kacau lagi dan masukkan nenas dan cili hijau.
4. Add salt, pepper and sugar to taste. Stir well and it is ready to serve once the pineapple and prawns are cooked.
4. Masukkan serbuk perasa dan gaul sebati. Gulai udang sedia untuk dihidang setelah udang dan nenas masak :)
Okay so now I will show you how to clean the prawns for this recipe :) You do not need to deshell it because all of the juicy flavour and vitamins are in the shell of the prawns :)
Observe this picture above. The only parts that you need to remove using a kitchen scissors is the telson, antennae, rostrum and eyes. That's it :) Trust me the prawn will be very juicy you even want to eat the shells. hehe
p/s: have fun in the kitchen :)

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