Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Cheese Baked Rice

Kalau time Ramadhan macam ni mesti havoc gila kan? Mesti banyak benda yang tak sempat nak buat. Betul tak? So kadang-kadang kalau duk sorang tu bab nak masak ada dua pilihan je, beli kat luar or masak maggie. Paling-paling pun makanan frozen yang mak kasi dua minggu lepas and panaskan dalam microwave. Betul tak? Hehe kalau betul meh sini meh saya nak ajar korang cara masak benda yang paling simple yet amazing :)

Today's Ramadhan Recipe is Cheese Baked Rice!

What you need is:
Cooked rice
A teaspoon of butter
Rosemary (not necessary)
Black pepper & white pepper
red onion
kraft singles cheese
(you can add chicken if you want but because I want to make this quick and easy I didn't put chicken)


1- Melt the butter in a sauce pan.

2- Add in the flour and mix until its crumbly.

3- When the butter is all crumbled up with the flour, add in milk. Mix it slowly on low heat. Mix it until it turn into a thick sauce.

4- Add in the rice. Stir it gently. You don't want the rice to turn into porridge. No.

5- Add in black pepper, white pepper, salt and rosemary until it suits your taste buds. Don't make it too salty.

6- Lastly add in the diced onion. Remember, you want to diced them as small as you can.

7- Stir it a few times and turn off the heat.

8- Take a cupcake cup or you can use a casserole bowl its up to you as long as it can withstand the heat. I used hokkaido cakes cups because its square :) .

9- Put in the rice mixture in those cups then line it with cheese. Repeat the steps until all the rice is finish. For example, I put the rice then the cheese then the rice again and lastly the cheese. You want the rice to be cheesy so do not put too much rice in between the cheese.

10- Bake it for 10-15 minutes in an oven over 180 degrees celsius. I used those small oven that normally people use to toast a bread.

Have fun and enjoy! :D


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