Friday, 19 June 2015

Thai Green Curry Chicken / Kari Ayam Hijau Ala Thai

omg! I am so excited to post this article. There are two reasons. The first one become my mom said it was delicious and it is not easy for her to please my cooking and the second one is yes I finally found the one. The green curry that is not too sweet nor spicy but just nice. Totes love it!

This recipe was from RinsCookBook on Youtube. I could share the link of the video but I couldn't find the written recipe. So I decide to help you guys and write it down so it would be easier for you guys to refer while cooking :) Above is the green curry paste recipe video from RinsCookBook channel  and the Green Curry Chicken recipe from Pailin's Hot Thai Kitchen :)

Noted that I adjusted her recipe according to the amount I needed and I opted out from using shrimp paste aka belacan because I am allergic to prawns.

Okay so first we start off with the ingredients. I'm gonna write it in English and Malay :)

The green curry paste I made :)

So for the paste you will need // untuk bahan asas (bahan tumisan):
4 serrano peppers // 4 cili hijau besar
10 bird's eye green chilli // 10 batang cili padi hijau
3 stalks of lemongrass // 3 batang serai
1 inch galangal // 1 inci lengkuas (kalau nak lebih tambah stengah inci je jangan lebih nanti tak sedap)
1 whole zest of kaffir lime // kulit limau purut 1 biji *
4 kaffir lime leaves removing the stems // 4 helai daun limau purut dibuang tangkainya
6 cloves of garlic // 6 ulas bawang putih.
1 whole cilantro including the stems excluding the roots// daun ketumbar termasuk batangnya kecuali akar
4 shallots // 4 ulas bawang merah halus (kalau guna yang besar manisnya hilang)
3-4 stalks of thai basil including the stem // 3-4 batang thai basil termasuk batang

- chopped the ingredients finely // potong kesemua bahan halus-halus supaya mudah dikisar

spices // rempah ratus:
1 tablespoon white peppercorn // 1 sudu besar biji lada putih
1 1/2 teaspoon cumin // 1 1/2 sudu teh jintan putih
2 cardamom // buah pelaga

Steps // langkah-langkah :
1. Grind all the spices in a spice mixer or using pestle and mortar until all the spices turns powdered.
1. Hancurkan kesemua rempah ratus mengunnakan lesung batu sehingga rempah menjadi halus.

2. In a food processor, blend the lime zest/peel, lime leaves, lemongrass and galangal. You want it to be fine cut. You can refer to the video for details.
2. Menggunakan food processor, kisar kulit limau, daun limau ,serai dan lengkuas sehingga lumat. Kemudian masukkan rempah ratus. 

3. Add in the spices and blend it well until it is finely corporated. Then add in garlic, shallots, together with bird's eye chilli. Blend it well.
3. Kemudian kisar bawang putih, bawang merah dan cili padi hijau. Kisar sehingga lumat.

4. Add in the cilantro stalk opted out the leaves. Together adding the thai basil stalks. Blend.
Masukkan pula batang ketumbar dan batang thai basil. Kisar.

5. Add in the serrano pepper, thai basil leaves and cilantro leaves. Blend it well. If the paste is coarse, add a teaspoon of vegetable oil.
5. Masukkan daun ketumbar, daun thai basil dan lada hijau besar. Kisar sebati. Jika acuan masih kasar tambah 1 sudu teh minyak sayuran. 

*If you don't have kaffir lime you can use lime // kalau xde limau purut boleh guna limau nipis

The green curry chicken I made :)

Now for the chicken curry. // Untuk kari ayamnya pula :

ingredients // bahan-bahan : 

6 pieces of chicken wings (cut in 24 pieces) // 6 keping kepak ayam (dibelah 24)*
2 kaffir lime leaves removing the stems // 2 helai daun limau purut (disiat atau dikoyak)
1 box of coconut milk // 1 kotak santan = 1 cup // 1 cawan
2 tablespoon of vegetable oil // 2 sudu besar minyak menumis
half of chicken stock cube // separuh kiub ayam
1 cup of water // 1 cawan air
1 thai brinjals cut into wedges // 1 biji terung bulat dibelah 6
1 inch palm sugar // 1 inci gula melaka
1 tablespoon namplar aka fish sauce // 1 sudu besar sos ikan
1 red chilli (julien) // 1 batang lada merah besar (dihiris nipis)
2 stalks of thai basil // 2 batang thai basil

Steps // langkah-langkah :

1. If you are using canned or boxed coconut milk then you shall never use the step Pailin used that is reduced the coconut etc. You can skip the step and start off with a normal curry cooking step that is by preheating your oil. So just add on that two tablespoons of vegetable oil. Once it is preheated you may add your curry paste. Saute the paste until you can see the bubbling oil coming out of those paste.
1. Kalau anda menggunakan santan kotak, anda boleh terus menumis bahan kisar tadi seperti memasak kari biasa. Dalam periuk, panaskan dua sudu besar minyak menumis. Kemudian masukkan bahan kisar tadi. Tumis sehingga pecah minyak.

2. Add in the chicken stir then add in the chicken stock cube. Stir well. Then add in the coconut milk and water. Stir again. Next, add the palm sugar and the fish sauce. Stir.
2. Setelah pecah minyak, masukkan ayam. Gaul rata. Masukkan kiub ayam. Kemudian masukkan air dan santan. Kacau. 

3. Bring it to a simmer about 10-15 minutes until the chicken is fork tender then add in thai brinjals.
3. Biarkan ia merenek sehingga 10-15 minit sehingga ayam menjadi empuk. Apabila ayam telah empuk masukkan terung.

4. When the brinjals are soft and tender, add in the julien red chilli and thai basil leaves. Also, add salt according to your taste. Turn off the heat and serve.
4. Apabila ayam dan terung sudah masak, masukkan lada merah dan thai basil. Tambah garam secukup rasa. Kacau dan tutup api.

Thank you :)

Don't forget to #DapurMekqa on Instagram and Facebook // Jangan lupa #DapurMekqa di Facebook dan Instagram :)

Sup Tulang Kambing

I was supposed to post this article yesterday but since it was the first day of Ramadhan pretty much excited about other things :) So yeah for the first day of Ramadhan I made Lamb Soup. Its pretty much like an oxtail soup but I wanna try using lamb as a substitute :) 

Okay jadi sepatutnya Mekqa post article ni kelmarin tapi disebabkan oleh kelmarin Mekqa rancang buat aktiviti lain jadi kesempatan itu tidak terbekal pulak. Hehe berbelit ayat den. Jadi untuk hari pertama Ramdhan, Mekqa sediakan sajian Sup Tulang Kambing :) 

(Serves : 1 person)

1 cup of steak of lamb
2 cups of lamb stock.
1 potato (remove the skin and cut in wedges)
1 wedge of lemon (if you don't have lemon you can use lime)
2 cloves of garlic (chopped)
half of bombay onion (sliced)
2 red bird's eye chilli (chopped)
1 tablespoon of cooking oil.

1 tablespoon white peppercorn
2 cardamom 
1 teaspoon black peppercorn
1 1/2 teaspoon cumin
3 clove flowers
half cube of beef stock (if you don't have beef stock you may substitute with chicken stock)

1. Boil the lamb until it is tender about 1 hour.
2. using a pestle and mortar or a spice grinder, grind white peppercorn, black peppercorn, cardamom, cumin and cloves flower. Set aside.
3. Drain the lamb. Do not throw away the lamb stock. 
4. In a pot, add a tablespoon of oil. Then add in the onion, garlic, spices and the beef cube. Saute until the onion is wilted. 
5. Add in the lamb. Stir. Then add in the lamb stock, potato and chilli. Stir. 
6. When the potato is cooked add in the juice of the lemon and salt to taste. That's it :) 

Goodluck and don't forget to #DapurMekqa on Facebook and Instagram. :) 

1 cawan daging kambing (yang steak kita selalu makan dkat kedai tu gunalah dalam 1 atau dua keping)
2 cawan stok kambing (dapat bila rebus daging nanti)
1 biji kentang (dipotong dadu)
1 sudu besar perahan limau
2 ulas bawang putih
separuh bawang bombay dihiris nipis
2 batang cili padi merah
1 sudu besar minyak untuk menumis.
separuh cube daging lembu

Rempah ratus:
1 sudu besar biji lada putih
2 buah pelaga
1 sudu teh biji lada hitam
1 1/2 sudu teh jintan putih
3 batang bunga cengkih

1. Rebus daging kambing sehingga empuk sekurang-kurangnya dalam masa 1 jam.
2.Menggunakan lesung batu atau mesin kisar, hancurkan kesemua bahan rempah ratus. Ketepikan.
3. Setelah daging empuk, tapis daging tapi jangan dibuang airnya. Itu adalah stok kambing yang akan digunakan.
4. Dalam satu periuk, tumis bawang bombay, bawang putih, rempah ratus dan cube daging. Tumis sehingga bawang layu.
5.Kemudian, masukkan daging. Gaul sebati. Masukkan stok daging kambing bersama dengan kentang dan lada. Kacau lagi.
6. Apabila kentang sudah empuk, masukkan perahan limau dan garam secukup rasa. Hidangkan :)

Selamat mencuba dan jangan lupa #DapurMekqa di Instagram dan Facebook :)

<3 Thank you <3
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