Firstly I want to apologise to vampires and even vampires fan for writing this post today. I am deeply sorry because I know all of you are allergic to GARLIC so please do aware I've warn you before you continue to read this post.
So far, as my grandmother and my "kakak" knows that I love to cook but I will only cook depends on my situation and mood. So tonight, I made a very simple mee hoon soup for dinner because I fell so 'rajin' :) I used only four simple main ingredients and the others are just an additional compound for the soup. As in for the mee, I just tossed it in a large bowl of hot water.
2 cloves of garlic
1 lemongrass (actually you need to smash it using your knife but my sink was not sturdy enough to accept that kind of force so I chopped instead.)
2 birds eye red chilli (if you prefer it to be spicy then go ahead but don't put more than ten. I used two because I want to make a clear soup)
chicken ( I recommend that you use chicken bones instead of chicken's breast. If you're using chicken breast than you must chop it)
Additional ingredients are :
Ramly beef sausage (slice it)
fishball (chop into half)
prawns (its better to use scampi because it is juicier)
spring onion (slice it)
ginger (as big as your thumb only. Don't put too much)
chicken cube
white pepper
black pepper
If you are a lazy person who just wants it done as quickly as possible then you just should add them all together and stir it and leave it to boil. If not you may follow these steps :
Before you start cooking, remember to soak your mee hoon in a bowl of hot water first.
1- boil a litre of water.
2- add the chicken and leave it to boil.
3- add the fishball, birds eye red chilli, lemongrass, garlic and ginger. Leave it to boil.
4-stir. Add prawns, sausages and spring onions. Stir again. Add salt, white pepper, black pepper and chicken cube (if it is just nice and you don't want it to be salty then do not add the chicken cube).
5- leave it to boil. Once it boils, then add in your mee. Serve.
The Final Product |
Maji sungguh enak! |
Okay so now back to my main topic. When I cook, I will not use everyone onion aka bawang in my cooking because to me, each dish must use different onion. Such as when you want to marinate honey BBQ chicken, you have to use garlic but when you want to fry the chicken you'll use the Big Bombay Onion. Its a different thang you know what I'm saying?
The Onion Family |
To me I LOVE to use the BIG BOMBAY ONION in my cooking EXCEPT for SOUPS! Well, mainly because I only know how to make clear soup. You know what I mean? Ehem. When I cook "Ayam Masak Sambal" aka chicken fried with chilli, I will saute the BIG BOMBAY ONION that I have chopped earlier with sunflower oil. Then, I will add the blended chilli aka cili giling with a bit of palm sugar (gula melaka). I even use this BIG BOMBAY ONION in my pasta recipe. We'll I'm sorry that pasta recipe is secret and confidential you know what I mean? ehem. I will use it in making every cucur I made except for cekodok because it only consist of bananas . duh. (gosh when I am so busy doing other things I would have all these things I wanna write but when I'm in front of my computer I will become so blur. I am so sorry. Wish that I have an emoji to express how I feel right now). So yeah, I would love to use this BIG BOMBAY ONION.
bawang besar aka BIG BOMBAY ONION |
The next onion is red onion. I seldomly use it because I don't really like it but mostly I use it in my nasi goreng. Oh yes, I could give you the recipe. I use make corn fried rice that kakak always made it after I taught her eventually when she made it, it taste like a total disaster. Like there's something wrong. Please don't tell her this. I didn't because I wouldn't wanna hurt her feelings in'it? Please God tell her to let me in the kitchen to cook next time. She wouldn't let me cook nor help her in the kitchen and I don't know why. I hate it until now. As if she's trying to stop my passion in cooking.
red onion |
Okay back to ONIONS... So then there's this garlic. Please for the love of God don't pronounce it as WHITE ONIONS! Its GARLIC!
Okay so remember when you want to use garlic, you only use it as a replacement of your spices. To me garlic is a spice. Spices that is not spicy yet full of flavour. That's garlic. Use it wisely. Something may go wrong in your cooking if you use it in wrong way. Ehem.
To me, I love to use garlic in soups (clears one especially), BBQ chicken, stir fried yam or even soy sauce park choy. So remember, you don't want your dish to smell badly. You want its aroma to captures others appetite that even that dish is not nice ( I hope its nice) people would love to taste it.
garlic |
so that's it guys, my post about the "bawang" family. See you next time.